
I guess, we landed on the island with a bang and now are the lucky owners of a beautiful farm. About 80 acres with open fields and forests.

The history of this property goes way back and we have been hearing stories about the first settlers on the island and our farm.

There is a lot of work that goes in to having and keeping up with a farm. We have a local crew working on the 100 years old apple orchard, currently we have about 30 plus apple tress and other fruit tries. Any idea what should we do with the apples?

The views.


We truly believe that one of the greatest experience, is to grow our own vegetables and fruit.

Yep, we got chickens! From the very little days old baby chicks, we have now 13 little chickens. Charlie is in charge and will be offering some farm fresh eggs to you, in couple of months from now. He is already designing his logo and packaging. Stay tuned, as I imagine, he will want to add a chicken farming tour for some extra $. He is definitely a farmer in his heart.

Chickens live in their chicken coop most of the time, once a day we visit farm after school and Charlie takes them out to eat some grass and run around.

Gardening, gardening, gardening. Nothing better than bare feet in warm dirt. We have started our vegetable garden, having some trouble with the birds eating some of our plants, but we are learning how to make it work. It is defiantly a team effort.


These are our neighbor’s cows, they keep these cute baby cows on the land and we get to say hi. But do not attempt to touch the baby cows, mom cows will show you what’s what.

Half of the farm land is covered with forest trees. There’s something magical in our forest!

Since we have been enjoying the farm, we probably have experienced all the weather possible - snow, rain, hail and a beautiful sunshine.


Nettle pesto by Charlie, the farm to table chef.

The first time we visited our farm, it was fall time, we got to pick the last apple from an apple tree and made the decision, it’s going to be a place for us. Now, we get to see how the spring is turning this place into an even more magical place. Grateful! Every time we visit our farm, there is something new we discover. One of the times we walked up on a goose nest, the goose had hatched two babies and they were swimming in the pond, but another two eggs was left behind.

Our plan for the farm is still shaping up, but one of the main goals of our farm purchase is to create a Barefoot Park for everyone to visit. We will keep you posted on the progress we make.


The veins of our home.


Framing / First Two Weeks on the Island!